Camino de Cervezas, deel 1: 3 aan te raden brouwerijen in Centraal-Amerika Pieter Reizen februari 15, 2018
The story of a chicken Pieter Hot Cuisine de Pierre april 26, 2012 As you can see, this is a chicken. To be more precise, this is the head of that chicken. Where’s...
A “Record Store Day”-Dish Pieter desserts april 25, 2012The unique culture surrounding over 700 independently owned record stores in the USA and hundreds of similar stores over the...
Spermalie, still 5 evenings to go Pieter Spermalie 1 april 20, 2012Do you know this animal? No, it’s not a horse dressed like a goat. It’s a Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi, better known...
Fast and easy beef burger with a fresh salad Pieter appetizers april 18, 2012The situation: Tuesday evening, my girlfriend has to work late, I have a date…with my TV. The only problem is...
Spermalie, fifth evening of 2012 Pieter Spermalie 1 maart 10, 2012The last “culinary Thursday” is already 3 weeks ago. A springbreak and an obligated reunion at my school were the...
Great party – (great bar + great people) = great dips Pieter appetizers maart 9, 2012On the last Saturday of March I organized a birthday party together with @pibenoit. Together we lived already 50 years...
Foodblogevent 02/2012 Pieter appetizers februari 23, 2012Last month I didn’t participate in a Dutch and Belgian “Foodblog event”. The goal of that foodblog event is to...