Taco’s met gerookte kip “Simplex”, tomaten-mangosalsa en krokant kippenvel Pieter Recepten september 12, 2017
A “Record Store Day”-Dish Pieter desserts april 25, 2012The unique culture surrounding over 700 independently owned record stores in the USA and hundreds of similar stores over the...
Beethoven vs. Bart Pieter Reviews april 23, 2012Feel free to stop listening whenever you want. Although this work of Beethoven is a real masterpiece, I can imagine...
Spermalie, still 5 evenings to go Pieter Spermalie 1 april 20, 2012Do you know this animal? No, it’s not a horse dressed like a goat. It’s a Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi, better known...
Fast and easy beef burger with a fresh salad Pieter appetizers april 18, 2012The situation: Tuesday evening, my girlfriend has to work late, I have a date…with my TV. The only problem is...
Spermalie, an other evening of 2012 Pieter Spermalie 1 april 17, 2012It’s already a long time ago that I wrote something about Spermalie. I couldn’t go to the last course before...
Rice rolls with smoked salmon and fresh basil Pieter appetizers april 16, 2012This is the second recipe of the last try-out. This recipe is based on the recipe of one of my...
Zucchini and Pas-De-Blue Cappuccino Pieter appetizers april 15, 2012 The following recipe is one of the dishes of my last try-out. I made a zucchini and parsley soup....