Joost Arijs, de Gentse taartentovenaarJoost Arijs, the pastry wizard of Ghent Pieter Review-Restaurants juli 24, 2013
Spermalie: the world upside down Pieter Evenementen juni 22, 2012Last week, we were invited by our chefs to have dinner in Bruges. Together with 450 other students of the...
Spermalie, the last one Pieter Spermalie 1 mei 28, 2012All good things come to an end, as you know. So, also my year at Spermalie came to an end....
Spermalie, still two evenings to go Pieter Spermalie 1 mei 12, 2012“The end is near” is something a tribe from South-America said 1000 years ago. Unfortunately, this is true. At least,...
Something about April and Spermalie Pieter Hot Cuisine de Pierre mei 10, 2012It’s been a while since I wrote something. My apologies, but it’s been busy, very busy. I was temporarily unemployed in...
Spermalie, still 3 evenings to go Pieter Spermalie 1 april 27, 2012Still 3 evenings to go before the end of my first year of this cooking course. Times flies, if you...
Spermalie, still 5 evenings to go Pieter Spermalie 1 april 20, 2012Do you know this animal? No, it’s not a horse dressed like a goat. It’s a Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi, better known...
Spermalie, an other evening of 2012 Pieter Spermalie 1 april 17, 2012It’s already a long time ago that I wrote something about Spermalie. I couldn’t go to the last course before...
Spermalie, fifth evening of 2012 Pieter Spermalie 1 maart 10, 2012The last “culinary Thursday” is already 3 weeks ago. A springbreak and an obligated reunion at my school were the...
Spermalie, fourth evening of 2012 Pieter Spermalie 1 februari 19, 2012It’s already two weeks ago I gave you an update about my Spermalie cooking course. Last week it was my...