Pop up the ball: Dierendonck vs. BallieuPop up the ball: Dierendonck vs. Ballieu Pieter Review-Restaurants juli 19, 2013
La Rustia – Cod fillet – Risotto – Winkles Pieter Hot Cuisine de Pierre oktober 29, 2012A couple of weeks ago some bottles of Italian wine arrived in my mailbox. I was allowed to drink them...
You are what you eat Pieter appetizers juli 3, 2012One of the beliefs of a certain Alfred Vogel was that you are what you eat. A belief with a...
Jumbo Shrimp, Mango, Macadamia nuts Pieter Hot Cuisine de Pierre juni 7, 2012A week ago I prepared an easy pasta salad with jumbo shrimps. This dish was in fact a try-out for...
The first picnic on a graveyard Pieter appetizers mei 30, 2012Summer has come to Belgium. FI-NA-LY. After weeks of horrible rainy weather we enjoyed the first sun last weekend. Not...
Shrimps and mango pasta salad Pieter Hot Cuisine de Pierre mei 29, 2012Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah. Make you wanna move your dancing feet now. Before you can dance, you...
The story of a chicken Pieter Hot Cuisine de Pierre april 26, 2012 As you can see, this is a chicken. To be more precise, this is the head of that chicken. Where’s...
Fast and easy beef burger with a fresh salad Pieter appetizers april 18, 2012The situation: Tuesday evening, my girlfriend has to work late, I have a date…with my TV. The only problem is...
The Tour of Flanders: Food, Beer and Bikes Pieter appetizers april 1, 2012The Tour of Flanders: Food, Beer and Bikes If you are male, Flemish and between 15 and 85 years old,...
An old recipe revisited Pieter appetizers februari 18, 2012Today I looked in my fridge and noticed that I had some leftovers: bread, ricotta cheese, pine nuts, fresh basil...
The “Eat Italian Food Day” Pieter Hot Cuisine de Pierre februari 13, 2012Thanks to John-Bryan Hopkins I knew that it’s Italian Food Day today. By accident I planned already an Italian dish...