No rules, great Scotch Pieter Review-Producten januari 25, 2012I admit, I don’t know a lot about Boozzz. Liquors, spirits and wines are still an unknown area and those liquid...
A New Year, 2555 or 2012, que sera sera Pieter Reviews januari 16, 2012 In Thailand they celebrate the start of the year 2555, here in windy Belgium it’s just 2012. Like a big...
Foodblogevent: a culinary gift XL Pieter appetizers december 12, 2011A culinary gift box “a whole day filled with food” or “start to eat” A couple of weeks ago, friends...
Antwerp 12/11/11 Pieter Review-Restaurants november 20, 201112th of november: just one day after returning from a great snooker event in the “capital” of Flanders, I was...
a small letter addressed to Mr. Lays Pieter Review-Producten november 3, 2011Maybe you know it, maybe you don’t, but Colruyt is a name of a warehouse in Belgium. And today they...
Acclimatization for the Thai Cuisine Pieter Review-Producten november 3, 2011It’s Thursday today, but because it’s holiday I can’t offer you pictures of delicious dishes. Instead of those pictures I...
a “fantastic” product review Pieter Review-Producten oktober 30, 2011A product review Today i bought a new tool to use in the kitchen. Nothing special, but after using it...